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    Wed 08 Jul 2020 Caroline Jewell

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    As you will know, the Government has now released detailed guidance to schools to support a full re-opening in September.


    Curnow school staff and governors are preparing to welcome all children back in September to support our pupils’ academic progress and wellbeing. Government research has shown that the risk to children and young people themselves of becoming severely ill from coronavirus is very low and there are negative health impacts of being out of school; a child or young person’s time spent in education is key to their preparation for adulthood. 


    With this in mind, we are preparing a detailed plan taking full account of the recent guidance issued. This plan includes a detailed risk assessment to ensure the safe management of the school building and environment to minimise the risks of COVID 19 transmission. Please can I take this opportunity to reassure you that the school will continue to follow all government guidance and that the health, safety and wellbeing of pupils and staff will remain the highest priority. Please find attached a guide to explain what school will look like and the measures we are taking to minimise risk. I also enclose a copy of an updated home/school agreement which we will need to have signed and returned to school by the first day of term (for those pupils already currently attending school we have these in place, this is only for those pupils returning for the first time in September).

    The government guidance is very clear in the expectation of all children returning to school in September. Attendance will therefore be mandatory again from the beginning of the autumn term with the exception of a small number of students who remain under the care of a specialist health professional and are unable to attend school because they are complying with clinical or public health advice. These pupils will continue to be supported with a remote learning programme of study. The school will regularly evaluate and review the school offer throughout the autumn term to assess health, safety and staff availability.


    If you have concerns about attendance due to your child’s medical condition, please can I ask that you contact your specialist health care professional and seek guidance. If this applies to your child, please contact the school prior to the end of term so that we can plan effectively for all pupils.


    In addition, if you have any anxieties about your child’s return in September or would like to discuss a transition plan to support your child back into school full time, please contact the school prior to the end of term. Class teachers will be discussing the return to school and collecting key information such as transport/lunch requirements etc. in their next contact with you so that we have a clear picture moving forwards and can inform transport/caterers of our requirements.


    School will close on Thursday 23 July at the end of the school day. For those parents who are in receipt of free school meals, a voucher will be issued at the start of the summer holidays; the voucher will cover the entire holiday period. The autumn term begins on the 03 September for all staff and open to pupils on Tuesday 08 September. This will provide three inset days at the start of term to support the missed mandatory compliance training for staff due to COVID 19 restrictions in the summer term.


    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support and positivity throughout this period; we are very much looking forward to welcoming our children and school community back in September. If the government position changes and new guidance is issued between now and September, we will keep you informed via the website and school messaging service.


    Kind regards,



    Caroline Jewell

    Head Teacher



    What does school look like?

    Below is a snapshot of the measures we have put in place in school to minimise risks associated with COVID 19.




    Arrival & Departure

    All pupils will be collected by key staff from the carpark. Parents and escorts/ drivers will not be able to access the school building to limit risk. Vehicles will not be touched or entered by school staff. A member of staff will coordinate arrival and departure to ensure pupils are taken in one at a time or within their class bubble to limit contact with others.







    All staff and pupils will wash their hands on arrival in school. Hand washing will be regularly repeated throughout the school day. Staff will model good hygiene practices to pupils. Hand sanitiser will be available and all staff and pupils will need to use this regularly, in between hand washing. Disinfectant spray will be provided in each classroom to use throughout the day to spray surfaces, equipment and any other areas used by the class team. In addition, a member of staff will wipe key surfaces (door handles etc) around the main areas of the school twice a day. Schools will have a ‘deep clean’ over Summer and will continue to be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each school day.




    Class bubbles

    Pupils will remain in their class group (bubble) throughout the day, they will not be accessing shared areas such as school hall/playground with other groups and will remain largely in their agreed classrooms.  We will be operating timetables to ensure pupils can access a variety of areas as required but without meeting other groups. Areas will be cleaned between uses (surfaces and equipment). The majority of pupils will eat their lunch in their classroom. We will not be able to have gatherings such as assemblies.




    Social Distancing

    Areas in school will be marked to indicate direction of travel, no access areas and to distance pupils from staff where possible e.g. reception desk. Staff will support pupils in moving around school whilst maintaining as much distance as possible. We know that it is not possible for many of our pupils to socially distance but we will endeavour to distance where possible as often as possible.




    Learning Spaces

    We have re organised classrooms to create safer environments, from separating desks to removing soft furnishings (any remaining will be covered and covers washed daily) removing soft toys and those difficult to clean (with intricate parts). We will not share main resources such as play dough/kinetic sand/stationery. Outdoor play equipment will also be cleaned more frequently. Pupils will be seated side by side and facing forward rather than face to face where possible.






    We are following the DFE guidance for the use of PPE in schools; The majority of staff in education settings will not require PPE beyond what they would normally require for their work, even if they are not always able to maintain a distance of 2 metres from others. PPE is only needed in a very small number of cases including:

    • Children, young people and students whose care routinely already involves the use of PPE due to their intimate care needs and should continue to receive their care in the same way or where direct contact is for a prolonged period.
    • If a child, young person or other learner becomes unwell with symptoms of coronavirus while in their setting and needs direct personal care until they can return home. A fluid resistant surgical mask should be worn by the supervising adult if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained. If contact with the child is necessary, then disposable gloves, apron should be worn. If a risk assessment determines a risk of splashing, then eye protection or visor should be worn.

    PPE is available for all staff to use. This includes: single use sterile face masks/re-usable face masks/aprons/gloves/plastic visors. All staff will receive guidance on the putting on/removal of PPE before use.





    Home School Agreement – COVID 19 Supplement


    As a parent or carer,  I agree to:


    • Send my child to school as long as they are fully fit and well
    • I will keep my child at home if I am less certain about their health telephoning the school to discuss such concerns in the first instance before sending them in
    • I will not give them medication,  such as Calpol, ahead of the school day so they can go to school despite being unwell
    • I will ensure that my child’s hands are washed before they leave the family home each day
    • I will ensure that I have a working telephone number that can be accessed at any time by the school during the school day in the event I am required to collect my child
    • I will ensure that I collect my child,  if required,  in a prompt manner
    • I will ensure that I communicate with the school over any absence my child has on the first day they are unable to attend school
    • I will alert the school to any illness in the family home that requires a period of self-isolation
    • Where possible,  I will engage in health testing for my child should they have symptoms of Covid -19
    • I agree to keep my child home if anyone of the people in my child’s hub become unwell with Covid-19 symptoms until we can establish their health status


    As a school,  we agree to:


    • Promote social distancing as far as we are able to
    • Support your child’s’ emotional health by providing educational and emotional support tools as required
    • Provide PPE to our staff so that they can protect your child when they require medical,  intimate or personal care activities as outlined within any guidance received from the Local Authority/ Government
    • Provide a system of limited contacts which will offer protection for your child from having too many contacts whenever possible
    • When able, offer outside a designated place for your child  to play and exercise during the school day
    • Offer suitable levels of staffing,  where possible with staff who know your child’s needs well
    • Continue to provide multi-agency support on site for all your child’s needs when such staff are available
    • Work closely with you and other professionals to share any concerns for your child’s health and wellbeing should these arise


    Together,  we agree to:


    • Behave positively towards one another,  even in difficult or worrying situations
    • Plan for the future of your child’s education by continuing to hold and attend meetings for Annual reviews,  Personal Education Plan meetings etc virtually
    • Communicate with each other when ever a problem or issue arises and seek to resolve it together


    Pupil name:



    Signed (parent/ guardian/ Carer):






    Signed (Head Teacher):







    All copy of this signed home/ school agreement will be retained by the school



