Home Page

Welcome from Caroline Jewell - Headteacher


May I offer all visitors a warm welcome to Curnow School’s web-site.  This web-site has been designed to give you a glimpse into the life of our school and show how hard our highly skilled staff team and pupils work to underpin our school mission statement.

A copy of our school offer and SEN information document is featured below for your interest.  

The school is split across two sites; Curnow Lower School is on the same site as Illogan Primary School.  This purpose built provision was completed in September 2014 and offers our young learners an environment which is conducive to their needs and one which will help us to meet our aspirational target of inclusive learning.


The vision for Lower School outlines what we aim to achieve and fully informs our school improvement plan


“Creative environments, inspired learning, valued relationships”


Curnow Lower School provides a happy environment where all children belong, have fun, progress and are proud of their achievements.  We strive to create an inclusive learning experience by bringing together the two school communities of Curnow and Illogan, enabling wider friendships to develop and grow, thereby underpinning the core values held within our school. 


Curnow Upper School remains housed on the Drump Road site in Redruth; we are busy developing this site to ensure it continues to meet the learning needs of our young people and supports our new and exciting curriculum delivery.


The vision for Upper School encompasses our fundamental values for our learners to strive to create a destination led learning experience, to ensure all our students have optimum life chances whilst being fully supported and informed through transition to enter adult life successfully.  Again, this fully informs our school improvement plan:


“Enjoy learning, prepare for life”


At Curnow Upper School we want to be the best we can and to: Learn well today and every day, be safe, be healthy, enjoy our friends, look forward to tomorrow and prepare well for our futures.


Regardless of the school setting, we always strive to ensure our pupils’ learning and wellbeing needs are at the very centre of everything we do.  We truly believe that every learner is valued and is enabled to achieve the highest levels possible.  This was recognised in our last Ofsted inspection report when we were judged as an outstanding provider.


We work closely with parents/carers and major stakeholders and always aim to provide a happy and stimulating environment.


I hope this web-site shares some of the wide, varied and exciting opportunities that are available to our young people and provides you with the information you require.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss any aspect of our school.


Caroline Jewell


School Contact Telephone Number: 01209 215432

School Contact Email Address:






Curnow School SEN Information
