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Class 4 - Eden

Welcome to Eden!


Our Class:

Class Eden consists of Key Stage 1 & 2 pupils with a range of differing needs who are working at a ‘Learning to Learn’ and ‘Bridging to Learn’ level. We are supported by an experienced and dedicated team who highly value relationships and work very closely and co-operatively alongside a range of professionals including a team of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Dietician and Music Therapist. We maintain strong links with these professionals who regularly review and set individual therapy programmes and carry out small group work or 1:1 focused sessions with pupils as required.


Our Curriculum:

We structure our planning by following the Key Stage 1 & 2 programmes of study from the National Curriculum which is fully differentiated with individual targets being taken from the EYFS areas of learning and Engagement Steps. In order to maximise engagement and motivation in learning, we have focus topics every couple of weeks which are used as a vehicle to support activities, whilst further developing our knowledge and skills through cross curricular activities. Many of our pupils have high sensory and movement needs and we maintain a similar approach to the EYFS setting by ensuring a multi-sensory, practical and hands on approach to learning. Within our weekly timetable, we have a high focus on Attention Autism, Intensive Interaction, TACPAC and play based learning to support the children’s focus and attention skills whilst providing them with positive strategies to form and develop meaningful relationships with others as well as their communication skills. Furthermore, we use individual assessment methods e.g. IEP’s which ensure progress encompasses all areas of the child’s development as many of these targets are driven from their EHCP’s. We strive to create a fun and happy learning environment in which pupils feel secure and are able to achieve their full potential.


Reading in Eden Class:

In Eden class we are predominately working on our pre-reading skills, with the exception of one who is challenged through reading intervention programmes to develop his comprehension skills. We really enjoy interactive sensory stories, songs and rhymes which we also incorporate into motivating sessions such as Attention Autism. Our phonics focus is learning to recognise environmental sounds, enjoy rhythm and identify differences in sounds, for example focussing on fast and slow rhythms, or listening to loud and quiet sounds.  This comes under Phase 1 phonics of Letters and Sounds, and all of the skills we are practicing will support us to learn to ‘read’ our environment.  There is a correlation between phonics and communication within Eden Class as many of us are developing our early communication skills of recognising photographs, symbols and signs which forms a component in early reading development.

Pupils learning and development of reading is further supported through strategies and interventions appropriate to the pupil’s needs and cognitive ability and ensures differentiation within our learning. Within Eden Class we currently have pupils working on:

  • ‘See and Learn’ to support the development of early vocabulary, sight words and simple phrases whilst learning to relate pictures to words through repetitive visual representations.
  • ‘Colourful Semantics’ is used to develop reading comprehension, grammar and to support understanding of question words and sentence structure.
  • TACPAC, HANDYPAC and story massage are used to support pupils with severe sensory processing difficulties whilst building communication skills and relationships and enabling them to access stories through more meaningful sessions.

We love looking at and sharing books in Eden Class and this helps us to form and develop relationships with others. We also use stories and books as a vehicle to create topics that then form cross curricular links and further learning opportunities. We are encouraged to use ‘choosing boards’ to make choices about which book we would like to look at as well as to communicate what we can see within pictures. Ensuring that stories and rhymes are interactive, motivating and accessible to all pupils is our main focus and we strive to find texts to share which create a love for reading.


Learning Environments:

We are very fortunate and love having the opportunity to work and play in a variety of learning environments which include our spacious classroom with an enclosed, covered balcony area, our outside playgrounds, sensory room, movement room, learning  pod, teaching kitchen, library area and school hall. We have opportunities to use these different environments for 1:1 and small group work throughout the day to ensure our learning is personalised and varied. We also use our links with Illogan School to provide opportunities for integration and developing our social skills. Most of all, we recognise the importance of maintaining a fun, happy and nurturing environment which enables pupils to continue striving and progressing through all areas of life!

Eden Class Photos
