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COVID-19 - School Opening from 08/03/2021


Dear Parents / Carers


I hope that you are well and staying safe in these continued uncertain times. I wanted to thank you for your continued support and patience.  I know that managing during lockdown has been particularly hard on our families and have been in awe of how well you have all coped, especially those who have been managing home learning all these weeks.


You will be aware that the government have now announced the return of all pupils on the 8th March and we look forward to welcoming all children back on this date. Attendance for pupils is mandatory on this date unless your child is ‘extremely clinically vulnerable’ and you have received a shielding letter for your child. By now you will have spoken with your child’s teacher regarding their return to school.  If you have any concerns regarding your child returning to school, please do contact the school and we will help with any queries or concerns.


We will continue to follow Department for Education guidance, review our whole school risk assessment and update if necessary. Staff will continue to be tested twice a week and class ‘bubbles’ will remain in place. Visitors to the school will remain limited and we will continue to clean every classroom, communal space and high contact areas/surfaces (door handles etc.) throughout the school day. The risk assessment is published on the school website for you to access and read.


Again, if you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of this please do not hesitate to get in touch. I will keep you updated with any further information. We are very excited to see the majority of pupils back in school next week and are hoping for lots more sunshine as we welcome Spring!

Best wishes

Yours sincerely



Caroline Jewell

Head Teacher
