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Roles and Responsibilities - Headteacher (Caroline Jewell)

Head Teacher (Head of Teaching)

Designated Safeguarding Lead (Curnow & Special Partnership)

Head of Strategy (Illogan, Curnow, Tregoweth, Special Partnership)

Govs LGB/Health, safety and well-being/Govs development plan/competency framework

SEF/SIP/Governors including pay committee

Reports to Governors & CEO/Trustees (as defined by SSEF)

Whole school curriculum and personalised learning pathways L2L/R2L

(subject co-ordinator/champion lead)

Health, safety and well-being co-ordinator

Educational Visits coordinator

Health, safety and well-being co-ordinator learning walks with Governor and site manager

Performance Management lead co-ordinator (linked to SIP and school CPD needs)

QoTQoL observations/Learning walks co-ordinator

Six monthly/EHC plans, ALL new intakes, CiC pupils, Year 3, 4, 13 & 14

Health, safety and well-being/Risk assessments inc SWIIPE

Curnow School Association representative

Child in Care coordinator (CiC/PEP process)

Staff attendance with DHT/SBM

School Council with AHT/HLTA

Sports grant/Pupil Premium expenditure data swimming/dance

