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Roles and Responsibilities - Deputy Headteacher (Rob Armstrong)

Deputy Head Teacher (Head of Learning)

Succession Planning budget setting/school organisation with SBM and HT CPD/PM Target

Governors attend LGB meetings, continued contribution to Govs reports 

Deputy Safeguarding Lead (inc PREVENT) including deputy educational visits co-ordinator

Curnow Curriculum lead

Upper School lead

Assessment lead Curnow School and MAT development

Annual Reviews/ EHCP (Years 1, 2, 6, 8, 10 & 11)

Behaviour Lead -  (incl. data)

Curnow Careers Leader

Performance Management including HLTA 

CORE Curriculum co-ordinator (Mathematics)

Trainee teacher co-ordinator inc student/volunteers

Reports to Governors (as defined by SSEF)

QoTQoL (Summer)

Moderation Lead (of evidence files) with AHTs



