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Roles and Responsibilities - Assistant Headteacher Lower School (Sam Murray)

Assistant Head Teacher
(Head of Lower School)

EYFS, KS1 & KS2 at Illogan School Site
Teaching commitment x 4 days (1 day x HLTA)

Succession Planning SEF/SIP/EYFS and outcomes

for learners with HT and Governors (CPD/PM Target)

Safeguarding Officer

EYFS/Lower school provision/curriculum with HT

Moderation of EYFS portfolios with Special Partnership Colleagues

EYFS lead

QoTQoL (Spring Term)

Data Behaviour (each term with DHT)

THRIVE/Early Support attendance (as appropriate) SCD Champion Lead

Strengthening community Illogan School links & lower school event - ROA

Performance Management Lead x EYFS HLTAs (x2)

Annual Reviews/EHC plans (Year 5)

Maths coordinator

School budget (Lower school)

Reports to Governors (as defined by SSEF)

