Pupil Premium
Since 2010, the school has received an additional allowance over and above its budget to help address the lower levels of achievement experienced by children who are disadvantaged in some way. This is called the Pupil Premium (PP) and is in addition to main school funding.
This funding is allocated straight to the school and is clearly identifiable in our budget. The premium awarded is in addition to any funding the pupil may receive for their special educational needs. PP is awarded for every pupil who:
Curnow School has worked very hard to ensure that all pupils/students achieve as much as they are able. Through our bespoke policy we identify the rationale behind the spending of this allocation, in summary we ensure:
The Pupil Premium funding will be used to both enrich the curriculum for all learners at Curnow School as well as providing alternative targeted support for those pupils/students who require additional levels of intervention’.
To ensure this has maximum effect our Local Governing body attend an annual data day alongside the Senior Leadership Team where they are able to fully examine data and impact of this additional funding upon progress made over time by our Pupil Premium learners. Through this scrutiny Governors are able to provide challenge in regards to the impact this further funding provides, determine clear routes of accountability for the additional funds the school receives and support the rationale behind the allocation of PP funding.
The Local Governing body scrutinise the PP (allocation and expenditure) which is identified within the school budget; this is addressed through their first meeting of each term. The resources and premises sub-committee tracks the expenditure ensuring accountability of money spent against the agreed purpose and rationale to support this.
Through these opportunities cohorts of learners’ progress are additionally examined; these currently fall into three categories:
Through this on-going scrutiny the Governors of the school can currently detail that there are no groups of pupils who are performing less well or better than any other group. This scrutiny will continue within our school self-evaluation framework and inform our impact statement on PP expenditure produced each Autumn Term.
The rationale and underlying aims of the PP funding are fully explained in our PP policy document; this policy has been ratified by the Governors of the school. The Head Teacher formally reports on the PP at each full Governors meeting where the impact of provision is further scrutinised; the Governors of the school have identified two PP advocates on the Local Governing body to ensure all scrutiny is robust and the school remains accountable to ensure there is maximum impact of expenditure.
The Head Teacher provides the Governors of the school with an annual statement prepared for parents on how the PP funding will be/has been spent; this task will be carried out within the requirements published by the Department for Education.