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Curnow School Local Governing Body

The school’s mission statement is integral to our daily practice and one which we uphold with uncompromising rigour. Every individual in our community is valued and all success is celebrated.

Our vision for Curnow School is to remain exceptional and to provide wide-ranging opportunities for all, regardless of need. We aim to provide a consistently challenging and stimulating learning environment that not only engages our learners in developing their knowledge, skills and understanding but additionally recognises their interests and aspirations.

We commit to recruit, develop and retain inspiring staff of the highest calibre that, through their continuous drive for improvement and innovation, create an enriching and supportive environment for our learners.

As a Local Governing Body we are tasked with supporting the school in its strategic direction and development and firmly believe that by striving for excellence in all that we do, we can become the best we can be.

Governors' Profiles


Joy Constable – Chair of Governors (Parent Governor)


I became a Parent Governor in 2011, Vice Chair in 2012 and I am now privileged to be Curnow School’s Chair of Governors.


I am lucky enough to have two children being educated at both Curnow Lower and Upper School. Between us, my husband and I attend the school each day and are therefore always up to date with all aspects of school life.

It has been a pleasure to witness the integration which is occurring at the Lower school since we joined Illogan and the different journey towards independence which our students experience when they join Upper school. 

Part of my role includes being the identified Governor for Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Whistleblowing and Children in Care (CiC).  

Caroline Jewell - Headteacher (from 01/09/2018)



I have worked at Curnow School for over 16 years and have worked within Special Education for 24 years. After holding the post as Deputy Headteacher for the past 4 years, I was fortunate enough to be appointed as the Headteacher.

I feel extremely lucky to have a strong team of Governors who are passionate about Curnow and who all work tirelessly (and of course voluntarily) to support the school's values and hold us accountable for the outcomes for our pupils. I look forward to working alongside them to ensure that Curnow is the best it can be for our pupils, families, staff and community.


Wendy Hattam (Community Governor)


I have been a Community Governor at Curnow School for many years and have experienced a lot of changes including the exciting move of our early years and primary aged children to the new build based at the Illogan school site.

I have responsibility for the School Council and I attend their meetings each term which allows me to hear the views of the students at Curnow School and, more importantly, identify the way the school ensures their voice is always listened to. I oversee the provision for our EYFS pupils and I also attend Parents' Forum meetings to ensure their views are always considered.  

I have been an active member of the fundraising committee (Curnow School Association) since its formation and find it very rewarding raising money to provide the ‘extras’ for our students.   

I am very proud to be supporting the hard working team at Curnow which I witness each time I visit the school.



Helen Jones (Community Governor)


I have recently retired as a local GP. Having seen the importance of education provided by Curnow school through my work, I would like to support the good work of the staff and pupils and see how these standards can be maintained and improved.

I am responsible for monitoring all the interesting and varied work on supporting pupil wellbeing.



Claire Pearne (Staff Governor)


I have been very fortunate to have worked at Curnow School since 2010, most recently in the role of Home/School Liaison.

I joined the governing body in 2018 and, alongside the rest of the governors, will continue to support the school in achieving the best outcomes for all of the pupils.  

In addition to my governing duties I am also the Curriculum Governor for the school.


Wendy Randle (Co-opted Governor)


I joined the board as their Clerk to Governors in 2015.  After leaving this role it was a pleasure to be asked to return as a governor in 2019.


I work in school and further education governance and hope my skills and experience will support the board and the school on their future journey.  


Rebecca Lett (Staff Governor)


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Lee Gendall (Parent Governor)


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Daisy Whitbread (Parent Governor)


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