The Family Liaison role is an integral part of the school working closely with parents, carers and multi-agency teams on a daily basis; through their work they assist the school in aspects of the self - evaluation process providing reports/data to the Senior Leadership Team and the Governors. Additionally they help develop/implement action plans by working alongside the Head, Deputy and Governors and most importantly parents/carers.
The Family Liaison role therefore helps the school uphold the aims of our mission statement through associated roles and responsibilities; these include:
- Informing prospective parents of the school’s offer; signposting additional county provision /Local Offer as required
- Signposting parents to specific resources/provision which offer additional support to families
- Supporting the transition process for all pupils new to the school
- Facilitating the transition process by gathering/sharing information from parents/external agencies
- Organising resources required to support transition into school (e.g. – ‘welcome to your class’ portfolios)
- Obtaining parental views with the aim of reinforcing positive practice and informing new/ improved provision
- Attending all necessary meetings aimed to support families (e.g. – TAC/CIN/Early Support)
- Upholding the safeguarding policy at all times and any/all safeguarding recommendations
- Providing additional information, advice and guidance for parents/carers/external agencies during their child’s learning journey at Curnow
- Attending any TAC/CIN meetings following consultation with the class teacher and families
- Obtaining/monitoring parental views with the aim of reinforcing positive practice and informing new/improved provision (e.g. – organising open days/training events, collating parents views following EHCP reviews)
- Continuing to provide information for the wider community relating to the life of the school (web-site)
- Working with the designated teacher (Head Teacher) to support the CIC process allowing the school to meet all statutory guidance
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you require any further information in relation to identified roles and responsibilities; we will be happy to respond to any queries raised.
Contact Details for our Family Liaison worker: |
Claire Pearne - 01209 215432 -
Mobile - 07825 213079