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Curriculum & Assessment


The curriculum at Curnow achieves its ultimate aim in meeting the needs of all our learners using it as a ‘vehicle’ for the pursuit of planned learning challenges. Our curriculum respects the right that each pupil will learn within an environment that is caring, supportive, stimulating, safe, enjoyable and challenging.


Our curriculum design inspires pupils to learn, make progress and prepares them for their next stage; it secures breadth, depth, balance and relevance in its content, with clear intent, implementation and impact for each curriculum area.The impact of our curriculum focuses upon pupil’s outcomes which includes their personal development, behaviour and welfare. To achieve this, Curnow works collaboratively with multi-agency teams and parents to ensure pupils well-being needs are addressed/secured in an informed way.


The curriculum, as outlined within our policy, is broad and balanced and complies with legislation, it includes the teaching of Religious Education, Sex and Relationships Education and Work Related Learning, Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance; it provides a wide range of subjects and ensures it promotes high levels of achievement.


The school has achieved this through be-spoke assessment opportunities through the development of track-backs in core areas, Creative Arts, Work Related Learning, e-safety, ICT – computing and communication. Key learning indicators have been written for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural provision, PE, Design Technology and all non-core areas of the National Curriculum to help plan for pupil progression and challenge within learning in an informed way. The focus of National Curriculum teaching will be on the development of pre-requisite key skills (key learning indicators to promote mastery learning) for each area securing relevance of such teaching within structured teaching / learning sessions.


The school has worked hard at designing a curriculum model which supports personalised and often individualised learning needs relating to pupils spikey profiles; the curriculum is tailored to be-spoke learning routes and associated plans which promote engagement within the teaching, learning and assessment process and the promotion of pupil well-being. The school will additionally use the outcomes of the EHC Plans to inform pupil provision.


Using the curriculum as the ‘vehicle’ to secure effective provision regardless of individual needs is identified through our Personalised Learning Routes which inform pupil Personalised Learning Plans; through such means the school will identify the curriculum pathway to be pursued for all learners securing equality of opportunity.


At Curnow we have identified Personalised Learning Routes to access the curriculum: Learning2Learn, Bridging2Learn and Ready2Learn based upon a clear rationale which determines relevance of route; each will be underpinned by robust assessment systems which identify pupil progress over time regardless of route taken.


Personalised Learning Routes will inform provision; either route secures equality of opportunity in relation to access to the National Curriculum subject areas delivered/studied. The purpose of the route taken will identify Individual Personalised Learning Plans designed for each pupil.


The school currently uses a range of curriculum models which ensure small steps in learning/progress is accurately depicted within our multiple-needs cohort of learners clearly showing the progress they make over time.


Our Curriculum at Lower School

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The curriculum has been designed using the EYFS framework and includes planning/assessment in the prime/specific areas of learning for all pupils up until the end of Year 1.


The curriculum is ‘interest led’ using resources which engage pupils accordingly. Working closely with the FACE Team (Facilitators to Access Information to Communicate this Effectively) the class teacher/team is provided with information relating to each learner following close consultation with parents and previous educational provider if/as appropriate. (e.g. – interests) and resources are provided accordingly. Displays in the class outline planned learning/ assessment opportunities and guide the adults on personalised learning targets being pursued and ways each learner is encouraged to participate.


Curriculum themes are adopted each week to develop and create pupil's interests; targets for each individual learner are set from the appropriate developmental stages of the EYFS using B² assessment measures. Weekly and termly overviews ensures that there is a broad and balanced curriculum provided, covering the range of prime and specific areas. The major focus for the EYFS provision at Curnow will always be the prime areas.


Key Stages 1 and 2 (Year 2 – Year 6)


The Curriculum within Key Stages 1 and 2 is designed to create interest which leads to wider engagement within learning planned; Curnow strongly believes that an interest led curriculum will promote engagement and generalisation of skills. Themes are adopted each week; a long term overview ensures there is a broad and balanced curriculum delivered, based upon the national recommendations for all pupils within the Key Stage 1 and 2 classes. Learning outcomes are determined following robust assessment of learning identified within pupils personalised learning plans using assessments systems which are well-embedded across the school.


Our Curriculum at Upper School (Years 7 – 14)


The curriculum in Upper School caters for students within Key Stages 3, 4 and Post 16. The curriculum addresses National Curriculum areas within Key Stages 3 and 4; this is identified within long term planning for each subject area addressing such areas over each academic year. Accreditation within KS3 is awarded through the Pegasus Award; this is identified through long term planning delivered over the three year period.


Within Key Stage 4, learners begin to access the well-embedded curriculum outlined for Post 16; this secures planning for progression and destination. Core areas are delivered and assessed using the school’s be-spoke track back systems to determine challenging learning outcomes and plan for progression/ within this. Modules of work encompassing all curriculum areas are delivered over a three week period – e.g. – Science/ Design Technology/ Work Related Learning/ Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance. The school holds significant value on the delivery of Life Skills; which alongside Work Related Learning and Health, Wellbeing and Relationships form an increasing part of the curriculum through Key Stage 4.

Long Term planning within Upper school determines modules of work, duration of module and key National Curriculum areas – these are delivered within the school in the learning zones identified throughout the upper school. Zones for learning are supported by a rationale which identifies purpose of zone (aims) and key areas of learning pursued.


Accreditation – The school uses a variety of accreditation modules (please refer to our accreditation policy and supporting flow-chart) to enhance/extend learning adding meaning and value to it. Key Stage 3 students access the Pegasus Award; Key Stage 4 R2L and L2L groups access ASDAN ‘Personal Progress’ units, students within Post 16 access ASDAN ‘Personal Progress’ and ‘Personal and Social Development’ units having identified that these provide further challenge for more able learners. The school aims to further the opportunity to access appropriate and challenging accreditation through the introduction of the ASDAN Life Skills Challenges, AQA Maths and EDEXCEL English; this is identified as a development area within our School Improvement Plan.


Learning2Learn Curriculum 

The curriculum for our multiple-needs learners across the school follows the same long term planning as other learners within each key stage (Lower and Upper School) this is delivered using a multi-sensory approach. Individual targets are established from the outcomes of robust assessment measures in the domains of learning identified within the ASDAN Engagement steps as identified through pupils personalised learning plans.

In addition the school works closely with multi-agency teams; following their advice and guidance (e.g. – implementation of therapy plans). In this way the class team can support outcomes identified and assess progress against them in an informed way, feeding back all relevant information and progress to parents and carers. The school works hard therefore to ensure pupils with multiple needs access the same curriculum model as the rest of the school and have their individual needs met throughout the school day via their personal learning plans. This ensures the school not only offers an equality of opportunity across the school for our learners with multiple needs but equally supports their fundamental needs.

If any parent/carer would like further information on our Curriculum they are more than welcome to contact:

Headteacher (Caroline Jewell)

Deputy Head Teacher (Rob Armstrong)

Assistant Head Teacher (Sam Murray)
